Issue 4 (July-Aug) 2023
Reservation Policy in India Scope, Development, History and Employment Rights
Page: 01-58
Monalisa Chandra* and Pratiksha Kumar**
* Assistant Professor, Maharishi Markendeswar University, LLM NLUO, Ph.D. NLUJAA.
** Assistant Professor, Maharishi Markendeswar University, UGC NET, LLM NLU Jodhpur.
A Comparative Analysis on the Presidential and Parliamentary Form of Government with Special Reference to India and USA
Page: 59-74
Arathy A
Lawyer, B.Com., LL.B. (Hons), LL.M.
Marital Rape: Unveiling the Hidden Crime within Intimate Relationships
Page: 75-109
Ishan Atrey
Lecturer, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak
75 Years of UDHR: Where Do We Stand Now? – A Critical Analysis of the Recent Labour Reforms in India
Page: 110-121
Somosnigdha Pal
Law Student, BA.LL.B.
Youth Delinquency, Crime and Sutherland’s Perspective of Differential Association
Page: 122-136
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
A Dissection of Durkheimian Literature: Anomie, Deviance and Suicide
Page: 137-148
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
Strain Theories: Hypothesizing Criminality through a Societal Pressure Perspective
Page: 149-164
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
Self-Identity, Symbolic Interactionism and Criminal Behavior: The Labelling Theory Standpoint
Page: 165-175
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
The Criminology of Delinquent Behavior through the Lens of The Conflict Theory
Page: 176-186
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
Psychoanalysing Delinquency: Object Relations, Aggression and the Unconscious Mind
Page: 187-201
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
Political Violence, Conflict and Nationalism: The Nietzschean Nihilistic Outlook
Page: 202-212
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
NALSAR University of Law and MIT-WPU Faculty of Law
Juvenile Delinquency in India
Page: 213-228
R. Aneka Abirami
Law Graduate, B.Com.LLB (Hons.), SRM University, Chennai.
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