Issue 5 (Sept-Oct) 2023
Juvenile Security rather than Detention
Page: 01-18
Baljinder Kaur & Muskan Mittal
An Empirical Study on Juvenile Delinquency in Accordance with Maternal Deprivation
Page: 19-54
Jaisri Y. R.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Business Ethics and Labour Unionization
Page: 55-100
Ishaan Deepak Joshi
Refugee Policy in India: International Law and Domestic Law in India – In the Light of the Rohingya Crisis in Myanmar
Page: 101-112
Aparajita Bhowmick
Ancient and Modern Forms of Hindu Marriage: An Analytical Study
Page: 113-124
Dr. Hina Gupta
Mass Imprisonment as a Human Rights Issue in Brazil
Page: 125-142
Mariana Pabis Balan and Murilo Basso
The Right to Asylum: Evaluating International Human Rights Laws in Protecting the Rights of Refugees
Page: 143-153
Amirah Rizvi and Aman Rizvi
The Influence of Advancing Technologies on Human Rights
Page: 172-187
Kritika Sunil Sharma
India’s Repressive Regime in Kashmir: An Analysis of the AFSPA
Page: 188-196
Diya Kotak
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