Issue 1 (Jan.-Feb.) 2024

Book Review on Cyber Crime and the Victimization of Women: Laws, Rights and Regulations

Dr. Pallavi Singh* and Radha Ranjan**

* Assistant Professor of Law, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya

** Doctoral Research Scholar, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya

Rethinking Ethics Pedagogy: Integrating Kantian Ethics into Indian Legal Education

Ishaan Deepak Joshi

Law Student, MIT-WPU Faculty of Law

Magistrate’s Power of Taking Cognizance: A Legal and Judicial Analysis

Lalitendu Debata*, Soumya Ranjan Panigrahi** and Anoushka Paul***

* Law Student, 2nd Year, L.L.M., P.G. Department of Law, Sambalpur University.

** Law Student, 2nd Year, L.L.M., P.G. Department of Law, Sambalpur University.

*** Law Student, 5th Year, B.A.LLB. (H), University Law College, Utkal University

A Holistic Approach to Mediating Marital Discord

Ishaan Deepak Joshi

Law Student, MIT-WPU Faculty of Law

Terrorism and Prohibition on Torture

Priyanka Walter

Law Student, 5th Year, School of Law, Manav Rachna University.

Transformative Relationships: The Essence of Adaptive Mediation in Peace Diplomacy

Ishaan Deepak Joshi

Law Student, MIT-WPU Faculty of Law